Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wall-Mount Heaters for Deer Stands - What You Should Be Hunting For

As deer-hunting season ramps up, many sportsmen and women will be looking for a hassle-free way to keep warm while hunting this fall and winter. Long hours spent in a drafty deer stand or box blind can chill even the most hard-core hunter to the bone.

A solution that's worked nicely for hundreds of hunters is a propane-fueled space heater. These small heaters are perfect for the outdoorsman, as no electricity or special venting is required. They're convenient, inexpensive, and won't weigh you down during your hunt.

But what should you be looking for when shopping for a heater for your deer stand? Let's take a look:

Houston, We Have Ignition

Since you won't be dragging an extension cord out to your favorite hunting spot, we're obviously going to need a no-electric ignition heater. When it comes to fuel, gas heaters, specifically propane-fueled heaters, are the best choice, as you can stock up on LP refills at nearly any super store or gas station.

Typically, there's no need to worry about deer or other animals smelling the fuel or exhaust for your propane heaters. Unless there is a leak in the supply tank or hose, the smell of propane should never exit the heater. The exhaust gases are also odorless and shouldn't raise any concerns.

Of course, you'll want to be sure you're operating your heater in a safe area with proper ventilation - while the exhaust is odorless, that doesn't mean it can't be harmful. Be sure to follow all manufacturer's recommendations for your particular heater model.

Keeping it Quiet

Be certain that you purchase a heater that ignites with a manual switch. Better yet, carry a long-barreled lighter with you to ignite the flame yourself. The ignition devices of some heaters make a fairly loud "pop" that could spook any deer in earshot.

To that end, you want to be sure to get a silent-running heater for your deer stand. Units with noisy blowers, like those often found in propane patio heaters, can let your prey know that something isn't quite right!


The beautiful thing about some wall-mount heaters is that they can be operated either as a floor OR wall-mounted heater. Whether you're looking at a wall-mount heater or a tabletop propane heater, portability should always be a concern. For example, check out the Mr. Heater MRHF273400 Portable Buddy Heater. This unit can run on either the 1lb propane cylinders or the larger 20lb. tanks, and can easily be removed from the wall when it's time to go home for the night.

Some hunters even like to take the heater with them after a kill for gutting and field dressing. If you're using the smaller 1 lb. cylinders, the Portable Buddy is perfect for this!

Some Final Notes About Safety

As with all portable heaters, you'll want to be sure you follow all safety guidelines for use. Be sure that you have proper ventilation, which shouldn't be much of a problem in a deer stand. However, you should never operate a heater without a fire extinguisher nearby. Always keep a small extinguisher in your stand or box blind in case of emergencies.

1 comment:

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